The Oceanic Viking reports that at least five whales have been killed in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. I am sad, angry and frustrated.
We chased the factory ship the Nisshin Maru over a distance of 4,300 nautical miles. During that time no whales were killed. When we had to leave the Australian surveillance vessel Oceanic Viking had arrived. If the whaling fleet have "only" killed five whales so far, it means that the whaling fleet didn't resume whaling immediately, but I guess they got desperate to try and fill their quota. It is very difficult to find anything positive to say today.

Media coverage and public discussion on the whaling issue has reached unprecedented levels in Japan, and Prime Minister Fukuda has been forced to discuss the whaling issue in Parliament.

Japanese taxpayers must be wondering why they are funding this scandalous fake research operation which produces no real science, whale meat that very few wants to eat, and brings their country into international disrepute.

The Japanese government wants to "normalise" the International Whaling Commission, and overthrow the moratorium on commercial whaling. Bloody pictures of whales being killed in the Southern Ocean do not serve this purpose.

Therefore I post one from 2006 - this is what the Japanese government's science looks like.

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