AUSTRALIAN Customs chiefs have finally released video footage showing the Japanese torture of whales as they are harpooned.

The disturbing proof of the cruel nature of Japan's "scientific research" - their justification for this year's slaughter of minke whales in the Southern Ocean - emerged today after The Daily Telegraph exclusively revealed photos of a mother minke and baby being winched aboard a Japanese whaler.

Scientists say the calf was less than one year old.

The film was taken by an Australian ship monitoring the hunt - and until now the Government has been unwilling to release it.
Rock icon turned Envirnoment Minister Peter Garrett today said he was "sickened" by the slaughter - but believes the "distressing" photos will help build up global opposition to whaling.

"I guess when I saw the photos I just felt a bit of a sick feeling as well as a sense of sadness," Mr Garrett said.

"It's very disappointing. It's distressing when you think that it can take up to 15 minutes after a harpoon actually hits a whale for the whale to die.

Mr Garrett says the photos reinforce Australia's view that killing whales in the Southern Ocean is wrong.

"Images like this, that have been captured in the past, have been very powerful forces in building up global and world opinion on this issue," he said.

"This isn't about science. It isn't about research ... they're calling it science but really it's killing whales."

↓Read more of his words here.↓

Peter Garrett: Whale killing sickens me
ENVIRONMENT Minister Peter Garrett has described as "distressing" photos showing the Japanese whaling fleet dragging aboard a dead mother whale and her calf.

He says the photos would help build up global opposition to whaling.

The images, published in News Limited newspapers today and broadcast on the Nine Network, show a minke whale and her calf being harpooned and then winched onto the Japanese vessel Yushin Maru.

"I guess when I saw the photos I just felt a bit of a sick feeling as well as a sense of sadness," Mr Garrett told the Nine Network today.

"It's very disappointing. It's distressing when you think that it can take up to 15 minutes after a harpoon actually hits a whale for the whale to die.

"It's even sadder when you consider there's a calf involved."

Mr Garrett says the photos reinforce Australia's view that killing whales in the Southern Ocean is wrong.

"Images like this, that have been captured in the past, have been very powerful forces in building up global and world opinion on this issue," he said.

"This isn't about science. It isn't about research ... they're calling it science but really it's killing whales."

The federal government was determined to continue its campaign against the slaughter, he said.

"The full repertory that a government can bring to this issue, the Rudd government is bringing to it."

A special whaling envoy would be appointed to talk with the Japanese and legal action had not been ruled out.

"We have to consider the options on legal action because it's a big step to be taken," he said.

"But we're going to look at that very closely and some of the images that have been captured will inform that decision.

"We're in for the long haul and we'll continue the surveillance activities as long as necessary."


The horrific image is sure to further outrage the 93,000 Australians who have signed The Daily Telegraph/Today show online petition to stop whaling, which we will personally deliver to Japan in the coming weeks

It's not too late - sign up at ->,22049,22874082-5014144,00.html
Exhausted and disoriented after a ruthless pursuit from high speed chaser ships, the whales caught on film this week were then shot with pointed harpoons, packed with explosives, to cause maximum damage.

Evidence of the horrific injuries inflicted by explosive harpoons can be seen on the side of the baby whale.

Showing the Japanese will stop at nothing to fulfill their bloody quota, the shocking images were captured by an Australian customs crew aboard the Oceanic Viking, which was trailing just metres away.

They are the first images from the surveillance operation, launched one month ago, and the first pieces of evidence collected in preparation for an international legal challenge to end the hunt for good.

See more pics of these majestic creatures here.->,22056,5023239-5010140,00.html

And read Schapelle Corby's exclusive message from jail to save the whales.

Save the whales, says prisoner Schapelle Corby

AUSTRALIA'S most famous prisoner has begged fellow Aussies to help save whales from Japanese hunters.

In an incredible plea, Schapelle Corby forgot her own plight in an Indonesian jail to urge readers to sign The Daily Telegraph/Today Show petition that could stop the marine mammal slaughter.

The 30-year-old beauty therapist, sentenced to 20 years after being caught smuggling marijuana in her boogie board bag, tells of her love for whales - adding that at her lowest ebb in prison she lifts her spirits by imagining the beautiful creatures surging through the ocean.

"I grew up at the beach - splashing in the shallows as a kid and surfing on my boogie board when I got a bit older.

"I love the ocean and its mystery. I could sit on the Gold Coast beach for hours staring out, mesmerized and bewitched by it.

"A few times I was lucky enough to spot a whale in the distance.

"Even nowadays in my cell, I can get some peace by imagining whales surging freely through the ocean.

"I only need to see a whale in my mind's eye or in a photograph to feel a bit calmer. In my many dark heinous hours of the day, these beautiful creatures still have the ability to uplift my spirits and refresh my perspective of life. "

Corby's prison lifeline: Pictures and latest reports

Whales help me escape: Corby's impassioned plea in full
The petition is Australia's biggest ever online campaign.Almost 93,000 Australians have signed on - and now, The Daily Telegraph and Today will be travelling to Tokyo to express your opposition to the so-called "scientific" killing of almost 1000 fin and minke whales.

The petition will be presented to influential Japanese politicians.

Readers have already helped stop Japan's plan to kill humpback whales through The Daily Telegraph/Today show campaign this summer.

Whaling will only stop completely when Japan's people and politicians are made aware of the reaction to the bloodshed.

"I can't believe that the Japanese are still butchering whales today. It is a disgrace and must be stopped before its too late.

"Surely in this day and age there is no need to harm these precious marine mammals.

"To be reminded were sharing this planet with such majestic creatures puts a lot in perspective. For me whales have an amazing way of cleansing our human souls.

"I cant wait to be free, to sit and look out to sea again and hopefully be lucky enough to spot a whale.

"For now I can only urge you to sign the anti whaling petition and make a difference."

Source: The Daily Telegraph


Scientists say this baby minke looks to be at suckling age - an easy target for a cowardly harpoonist.

It is not known whether the animals were still alive as they were dragged by their tails aboard the Yuishin Maru.

By now they're fate is certain.

Just hours after this photo was taken, the two minkes were diced and carved, facing a degrading end in cold storage on board the mothership, Nisshin Maru.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO Steve Shallhorn said the photos were an illustration of the 'outrage' continuing in the southern ocean.

"These photos illustrate the outrage which is continuing in the southern ocean, "said Steve Shallhorn, CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

"The Japanese are killing whales in a globally recognised sanctuary and don't care if they are mothers or infants.

"They just want to kill as many whales as possible," he said.

"It is commercial whaling disguised as research and I don't think anyone in Australia is fooled by the tag scientific research at all,'' he said.,22049,23171622-5001021,00.html


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