The sister of a boy killed in a shark attack in northern NSW says her family is devastated at the loss of "their baby".

Peter Edmonds, 16, was fatally attacked by a large shark while bodyboarding at Ballina's Lighthouse Beach in northern NSW this morning.

The boy, from Wollongbar, west of Ballina, died after being bitten twice on the left leg about 8am.

His 20-year-old sister Kylie Edmonds said the family is finding it hard to cope with the sudden loss.

"I'm numb. I don't know what to do," she told AAP.

"They (her parents) are not coping very well. They lost their baby - what more can you say? The only boy in the family."

"And he was such a good kid."
Ms Edmonds said her brother was "the best brother you could ask for".

"He was fun, he was loving, he just wanted to cuddle people," she said.

"He was a really friendly guy. He just did everything for everybody. He just wanted to hang out with his mates and surf and have a good time."

Peter's bodyboarding companion, Brock Curtis, helped his friend back to shore following the shark attack.

Brock told AAP he saw a "big, grey shadow" pass by him as he paddled toward his stricken friend but was not afraid as he did not know what it was.

"In the water I was in line with him (Peter) and noticed that he was in a bit of trouble," he told AAP.

"As I headed towards him it looked like he was catching a wave and was heading back to shore.

"Then I saw him on his back with his head above the water so then he turned so he was face down.

"I thought he was only joking, so I went over to him and as I flipped him over I saw his leg."

Brock said he tried in vain to resuscitate Peter after dragging him to shore.

"He didn't make one noise," he said.

Brock said the pair had been close friends for five years, since the start of high school, and described Peter as the "best guy".

Ms Edmonds said her brother had been surfing for years but had never had any problems in the water before.

Another sister, 19, was in England on a five-month holiday and was trying to get a flight home, she said.

Peter's mother said her loving son had been on the brink of adulthood.

"He was such a loving boy, and in just the last few months he'd really started to become an adult," a tearful Lisa Edmonds told Network Ten.

His father Neil Edmonds expressed disbelief that his son had died from his injuries.

"We saw the bite on his leg and you wouldn't think that sort of thing would take someone," he told the network.

Mrs Edmonds said the family was taking comfort from their Christian faith.

"When he was born we thought we were going to lose him then but we'd said that God had better things for him in store," she said.

"I asked where he was with God and he said he was fine.",22049,23507190-5001021,00.html,22056,5030853-5010140-9,00.html

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